
I have a few confessions to make… I know I’m usually brutally sincere on Run, Eat, Repeat but I have let some information slip recently.

Including the fact that I dropped Ben’s bagel on the floor this morning, but still gave it to him to eat. three second Rule?!?!
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What I eat In A Day – runner edition
What I ate in a day. Food diary from a runner not currently training for a marathon or half marathon. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks plus tips.

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0 seconds of 14 minutes, 26 seconds

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Also, I picked at a pimple on my face and have been avoiding pictures in any way costs! permanent scar?!

My last confession of the day is that I went on an interview while I was out in California. I was incredibly ecstatic about it because I knew I was best for the position, but I found out I was the second runner up and they went with someone else. Бу.

But, I’m delighted to confess that I’m moving on continuing my job search – the fight continues!

This morning Ben and I got up bright and early to hit the apartment’s gym. I walked on the treadmill while contemplating life, liberty and pursuit. Then, came back to reality and made breakfast.

I couldn’t decide between hot or cold (Fickle much?) so I went with both!

I made a green Monster… I am in love with these ideal now and can’t wait to live in a warmer climate where I will take pleasure in them year ‘round.

I also made a packet of basic harvest oatmeal. I think this is the crucial to my oatmeal love ideal now. The oats I normally make are so heavy and not sweet, but this stuff is sweet and not too big of a bowl. I think this breakfast can remind me something about what I believe. You don’t have to decide between hot and cold or work and fun or money and something you love to do ?

I have always said you can have it all! and I’m working on it ?

I am sooooo looking forward to moving somewhere warm and doing something I love and am good at!

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⚡ Шареахоликом


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